
Coop Club Details

Earn Big Rewards and Savings for your backyard flock! Join Steinhauser’s Coop Club today! The Coop Club is free to join, signup below. One membership per household. Club members receive the following for signing up:

  • Coop Club members receive a monthly email reward. Bring the email coupon into your local Steinhauser’s store to redeem your reward or savings each month. 1 membership & email per family (not per pet/chicken). The monthly reward is valid for 7 days from time of receipt, no reproductions or copies. 
  • Submit a picture of your chicken to us monthly via our website. We’ll pick one lucky photo each month to feature in our monthly newsletter. 
  • Take advantage of our Frequent Purchase Club! Purchase 10 bags of Purina Chicken Feed and get a bag free!  Signup in the store. 

 It’s a great time to join Steinhauser’s Coop Club! Signup online here





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