David’s July Blog – Colic in Horses

Horse colic is the number one cause of horse death. Identifying the common symptoms can help you prevent this from happening to your horse. Most horses can survive and continue to live healthy lives if detected early.

Common signs of colic include your horse rolling around, lying down more than usual, kicking at abdomen, sweating and increased rate of breathing.

Feeding of your horse is very important. You should have your horse on a regular feeding schedule. At least half or more of their diet should consist of hay or forage. Avoid excessive grains when possible and make sure grain is mold free before feeding. Clean water should be available to your horse at all times.

Exercising your horse regularly and keeping them on a regular worming schedule will also help to prevent colic.

Stop by your nearest Steinhauser’s location to pick up your bottle of Equine Colic Relief.  ECR is an all natural product designed to help relive any normal bout of colic. A normal bout of colic is considered to fecal impaction, light sand, gas or spasmodic which make up about 90% of colic cases.  ECR will not help with abnormal bouts of colic which include bowels twisted, torsion, knotted, ruptured, heavy sand impaction, stones, tumors/infected bowels, ulcers or blocked by foreign object.

For more information on Equine Colic Relief stop by your nearest Steinhauser’s location.




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