Alvin 2025 Spring Chick Deliveries

two spring chicks drinking waterAlvin 2025 Spring Chick Deliveries:We’re excited to share our chick delivery schedule for this spring! We’re offering a wonderful selection of pullets (and some roosters as specified,) with estimated dates for when they’ll be available in-store. While we strive to ensure all deliveries arrive as planned, there may be some variations in dates and quantities from our poultry vendor. To make your experience seamless, please give us a call at (281)388-0388 to confirm availability before you visit.

All chicks are first come first served; we do not hold chicks.

If you would like us to call when chicks arrive, please let a cashier know.

We look forward to helping you welcome some delightful new additions to your flock! For those of us welcoming new chicks how can we give them a solid start? Read our tips to learn everything you need to know about raising baby chicks. Visit the store to pick up brooders, heat lamps, waterers, feeders, and more. You’ll find a variety of chicken starter feeds available to get your chicks off to a healthy start. Check out our poultry selection here. Check back for any updates to our Alvin 2025 Spring Chick Deliveries dates and types, as they are sometimes subject to change.

Address, contact information, and business hours for the Alvin Location can be found here.

Arrival DateTypes
February 12, 2025-Assorted Guineas (50)
-Starlight Green Egger (25)
- Spitzhauben (25)
- Muscovy DUCKS (15)
- Khaki Campbell DUCKS (25)
February 19, 2025- Assorted Crested Polish (50)
- Calico Princess (50)
- White Jersey Giant (25)
- Mallard DUCKS (25)
February 26, 2025- Easter Egger (40)
- Midnight Majesty Maran (25)
- Speckled Sussex (25)
March 5, 2025- Ancona (25)
- Blue Andalusian (50)
- Black Sexlink (25)
- French Cuckoo Marans (50)
- Olive Egger (25)
- Sapphire Gem (50)
March 12, 2025 -Cream Legbar (25)
- Prairie Bluebell Egger (50)
- Sapphire Splash (50)
- French Pearl Guinea (25)
- Silver Appleyard DUCKS (15)
- Blue Swedish DUCKS (10)
March 19, 2025-Lakenvelder (25)
- Lavender Orpington (50)
- Cochin Partridge (25)
- Red Production (50)
- Silver Laced Polish (25)
- Golden Cascade DUCKS (20)
March 26, 2025- Bantam Silkies (30)
- Americana (25)
- Bielefelder (10)
- Buckeye (50)
- Cream Legbar (10)
April 2, 2025- Crevecouer (25)
- Easter Egger (15)
- Mystic Onyx (10)
-Red New Hampshire (50)
- Sapphire Splash (10)
April 9, 2025- Assorted Marans (50)
- Smokey Pearl (25)
- White Leghorn (25)
- Speckled Sussex (50)
April 16, 2025- Amberlink (50)
- Crested Polish Assorted (25)
- Cream Legbar (75)
- California White (25)
- Golden Comet (30)
- Mystic Onyx (25)
- Gold Laced Polish (25)
-Rhode Island Red (60)
April 23, 2025- Bantam Silkies (30)
- Cinnamon Queen (25)
- Dominique (50)
- Midnight Majesty Marans (25)
- Olive Egger (50)
- White Pekin DUCKS (10)
- Swedish Blue DUCKS (25)
April 30, 2025- French Guinea Pearl (25)
- Cuckoo Marans (50)
- Prairie Bluebell Egger (50)
- Starlight Green Egger (25)
- Sapphire Gem (25)
May 7, 2025- Barred Rock (25)
- Silver Lakenvelder (20)
- Rhode Island Red (50)
- Salmon Favorelle (25)
May 14, 2025- Buff Orpington (50)
- Chocolate Orpington (40)
- French Copper Marans (15)
- Sapphire Splash (25)
- Buff Laced Polish (15)
- White Crested Black Polish (25)
May 20, 2025- Crevecouer (25)
- Dominique (25)
- Speckled Sussex (20)
- Porcelain Duccle Bantams (25)
- Cochin Bantams Assorted (25)
- Buff Chantecler (15)
- Silkies Bantams (50)
May 28, 2025- Blue Andalusian (25)
- French Wheaten Marans (25)
- Smokey Pearls (25)
- Calico Princess (25)
- Sapphire Splash (25)
- Buff Orpington (25)
- African GOOSE (15)
- Cornish Cross BROILER (20)
June 4, 2025- Bantam Silkies (50)
- Mystic Onyx (25)
- Bielefelder (20)
- Black Jersey Giant (10)
- Assorted Guineas (20)
- Sapphire Splash (25)
- Isabella Leghorn (50)
June 11, 2025- Assorted Colored Egg Layer (50)
- Silver Lakenvelder (50)
- Light Brahma (50)
- Salmon Favorelle (25)
- Welsummer (25)
June 18, 2025- Cinnamon Queen (25)
- Dominique (50)
- French Copper Marans (25)
- Standard Bronze TURKEYS (25)
June 25, 2025- Cream Legbar (25)
- Silver Lakenvelder (25)
- Midnight Majesty Maran (25)
- Sapphire Olive Egger (25)
- Welsummer (50)
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Feb 12 2025 - Jun 25 2025


8:00 am - 6:00 pm