Grilling Pellets
Steinhauser’s has America’s Choice Grilling Pellets. These grilling pellets are all natural direct from the tree. This truly natural pellet offers richer flavor when grilling or smoking. These wood pellets are 100% American made.
- 100% Natural (not treated wood)
- All natural woods used to provide a richer flavor and aroma
- No chemical or flavoring additive
- Burns hot and clean
- Distributes heat evenly and eliminates flare-ups (A true set-it and forget-it product)
- Once lit, the temperature never fluctuates by more than 2-3 degrees with zero supervision (Forbes)
- Available in Pro Blend, Apple, Hickory and Mesquite Premium flavors
- America’s Choice Grilling Pellets – Pro Blend
- America’s Choice Grilling Pellets – Apple
- America’s Choice Grilling Pellets – Hickory
- America’s Choice Grilling Pellets – Mesquite
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